Mournes Cooley Gullion Geo Tourism Project EXPO 2014

EXPO 2014
– Open to everyone
– Workshops and Talks on Tourism, Geology and Archaeology
– Showcase of businesses from the region
– Bus tours on Friday, 20 June

To book on to any of the events or bus tours, contact MAC PR at 02841739017 or or book online at

Click below to view event flyer.

MCG Expo2014 A5 Flyer (10747) v5

EBR present to Tajikistan Delegation

The Centre for Cross Border Studies hosted a study visit from Tajikistan from 28 April to 7 May. The ten strong delegation are all involved in supporting economic development and cross-border trade and included the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade; senior public officials and experts in cross-border trade and economic development.

The delegation requested an opportunity to learn about the work of the EBR and as a result EBR delivered a presentation and Q & A session on Thursday 1st May at Intertrade Ireland offices.

Pictured is EBR Chief Executive Ms Pamela Arthurs receiving a token of appreciation from a member of the delegation.

iOTA – There are many ways to Innovate

Do you have an innovative business idea or product you’d like to develop but don’t know where to start? iOTA can help.

Whether you have an established business, or you are in the ‘thinking about’ stage, we can offer local support to help you develop ideas, improve products/services, explore new markets and ultimately help you to profit from innovation.

The iOTA Programme is funded through the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Cross Border Programme and managed by the SEUPB.

Dr Conor Patterson, Chief Executive of Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency stated “iOTA is open to SMEs and individuals; the support we offer is very much focussed on helping you or your company to be innovative to enable growth and expansion.

We can help you develop innovative solutions, explore new markets, give you access to training and mentor expertise to support you in the journey to turn great ideas into viable business concepts.

Whatever your idea, company status or previous background, we can provide a bespoke programme of support to address your needs.

What’s more, all training and advice is delivered locally through a network of Enterprise Agencies, County Enterprise Boards, SRC, SERC and DKIT spanning counties Armagh, Down, Louth and Monaghan so you can tap into all these resources with ease.”

For further information or to participate on the iOTA Programme, please contact: Jane Magill, Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency on Tel: 0044 (0) 2830267011 or Email:

Carlingford Coastal Footpath


In conjunction with lead partner East Border Region Ltd, Louth County Council have recently completed the construction of a new footpath and associated street lights on Ghan Road, Carlingford Co. Louth which was 100% funded by the European Union through the INTERREG IVA funding stream at a cost of €60,000.

The project involved the construction of 300m length of new footpath, improving the horizontal alignment of the road at a dangerous bend, and eleven new street lights.

The provision of the new footpath will enhance Carlingford which is a village highly dependent on the tourism industry with over 60% of the village population involved in the industry. The village has won numerous awards for its tourism / walking offerings but this has only been in relation to mountain walks. This new footpath along the coastal area will provided a safe environment to allow tourists and local residents to access Hospital Point to view the flora and fauna of Carlingford Lough.

Pictured at the launch are officials and elected representatives from Louth County Council, East Border Region Ltd and local residents.

Kilbroney Event Space

Kilbroney Event Space has just received £451,000 worth of funding from the EU’s INTERREG IVA Programme as part of the Tourism Development Plan Programme managed by East Border Region Ltd. 

As a key stakeholder Newry and Mourne District Council has received £451,000 of funding towards Kilbroney Event Space, with Newry and Mourne District Council contributing £52,000, the total cost of the facilities will be in the region of £503,000.

The Kilbroney Event Space building at Kilbroney Park will have provision of indoor multi-purpose events space; it will be an exciting new venue for workshops, meetings, small events and event headquarters for large events. 

The event space will cater for a wide range of users and activities and it will contain changing and shower facilities.  This new tourist attraction will increase visitor numbers, improve visitor servicing and raise the profile of Newry and Mourne area as a destination.

The funding will go towards the construction and completion of the new facilities. The contractors will start on site on Monday 17 February 2014.

Annual General Meeting 2013

At its Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 12th December 2013, in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, the East Border Region Board appointed Cllr Alan McDowell, Ards Borough Council as Chairman for the incoming year while Cllr Peter Savage from Louth County Council and Cllr Jim McElroy from Banbridge District Council were elected as Vice-Chairs.

Speaking at the Annual General Meeting Cllr McDowell stated that he was delighted and honoured to accept the position of Chairperson of the East Border Region Board.  He paid tribute to the outgoing Chair, Councillor Gerald Mallon and stated that he hoped that he could emulate his predecessors’ achievements and was looking forward to a successful year ahead.

Speaking at the conference Ms Pamela Arthurs, Chief Executive of East Border Region was delighted to provide members with an overview of the success of the Organisation during the past year.  The EBR is a cross border local authority led Organisation who are part-financed by the European Union’s INTERREG IVA Cross-border Programme.

Members were provided with an overview of the activity of EBR over the year and of the 11 INTERREG IVA funded projects which EBR administer. The 11 projects total just over €15.5 million and span the fields of Enterprise, Tourism and Environment.  The focus of this year’s AGM was on SMEs and their involvement in EBR INTERREG projects. Members listened to participant businesses from the EBR PLATO, Life Sciences and STEM projects who demonstrated the benefits to their business from participating in the projects. Benefits experienced range from cost savings through energy management to collaborative business opportunities and networking.  In addition members listened to a graduate and a business representative from the EBR ASPIRE project. The Aspire project aims to help local micro-businesses to grow, while at the same time providing jobs and employment opportunities for graduates in the East Border Region. The project funds 60 graduates placed for one year with 60 businesses within the Region. Each business has a business plan in place to ensure that the graduate’s particular skills are being used effectively to boost the bottom line for the business and maximise employment opportunities for the graduate.

The East Border Region Board is a local authority led organisation comprising ten member councils, Counties Louth, Meath and Monaghan, Newry and Mourne, Down and Banbridge Districts, Armagh City and District, Craigavon, Ards and North Down Boroughs. In recent years the Board has established itself as being at the forefront of cross border economic development. In the incoming year the Board will be focussing on the continued roll out of funding in the region through the INTERREG IVA Programme, lobbying on the framework of the INTERREG VA Programme and developing our links with our colleagues in Europe.

Photo caption: (from l to r) EBR representatives Ms Pamela Arthurs Chief Executive, Cllr Alan McDowell incoming Chairman, Cllr Gerald Mallon outgoing Chairman and Cllr Peter Savage incoming Vice Chairman pictured the at the East Border Region AGM in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk.


East Border Region Members and Staff express our deepest sympathy and regret at the passing of one of our colleagues, Councillor Harry Dunlop.  Harry was a Board member of EBR and was in attendance at the last Board Meeting in Louth County Council in November. Harry unfortunately passed away on Christmas Day.

EBR send heartfelt condolences to Roberta his wife and former EBR Board Member and the Dunlop family.

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